Carrier’s Performance Series Furnaces are designed to save money, improve comfort, and are also quieter than older models. They are a good choice for anyone who wants a good, reliable workhorse without all the bells and whistles.
With an impressive AFUE rating of up to 85.7%, this model achieves ENERGY STAR® qualification in select sizes. It also achieves comfort—yours with a variable-speed blower to help even out temperature swings and keep things quiet.
Models: OVL
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With an impressive AFUE rating of up to 86.6%, this model achieves ENERGY STAR® qualification. It also achieves comfort—yours, with a variable-speed blower to help even out temperature swings and keep things quiet. And with sizes at 39.25″ tall or less, this “Low Boy” design fits beautifully in low clearance installation spaces like attics.
Models: OVL
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Carrier’s Comfort Series Furnaces can save most people with an older furnace a bundle. If you want a nice clean installation at the lowest possible price, Carrier’s Comfort Series furnaces might be the way to go.
The model CBM Oil-Fired Furnace is a multipoise-style unit designed for upflow, downflow, or horizontal applications. Model CBM is available in 2 sizes. Each size unit can be fired at 3 different rates by a simple nozzle change and pump pressure change. The smaller unit covers input ranges from 70,000 to 105,000 Btuh. The larger unit covers input ranges from 119,000 to 154,000 Btuh. Its unique silencer baffle reduces combustion noise for quieter operation. Model CBM is CSA, and GAMA certified at 80.5% AFUE for downflow, upflow and horizontal application. The design of this Furnace is such that a Carrier Air Conditioner, Heat Pump, Humidifier, or Electronic Air Cleaner can easily be added for a complete home-comfort system.
Model: CBM
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This oil furnace model is made for solid performance. And with sizes at 34.75″ tall or less, its “Low Boy” design fits beautifully in low clearance installation spaces like attics.
Backed by a lifetime heat exchanger limited warranty to it’s original owner and the exceptional Carrier standard warranty you’ll enjoy years of performance from this reliable unit.
Model: CBL
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